
Garifuna spirituality centers on community, nature, and ancestral connections, guided by the principle “Aüra buni amürü nuni” (I for you and you for me). Belief in Bungiu, the Great Spirit, and rituals honoring the uáni (spirit) are central. This spiritual framework emphasizes respect, balance, and preparation for future generations, maintaining harmony and honoring traditions.

Garifuna spirituality is a complex system of beliefs and practices that reflects the deep connection between the Garifuna people and the natural environment around them.
At the heart of Garifuna spirituality is the concept of Aüra buni amürü nuni, which translates to “I for you and you for me.” This principle of mutual respect and responsibility guides every aspect of Garifuna life, from interaction with the natural environment to relationships with community and ancestors.


The Garifuna believe in a single Great Spirit, Bungiu, who permeates all and resides in Seiri, the home of the áhari, and is the source of all spirits. Each individual is composed of a physical body and a spiritual counterpart called uáni or áfurugu, both gifts of the Great Spirit. Upon death, the uáni separates from the physical body and becomes gubida, the earth-bound spirit of the deceased. The journey of the gubida to Seiri, the home of the áhari, can be a smooth journey or full of obstacles, depending on the life led. During this journey, rituals performed by the living can help the gubida reach its final destiny.

Aüra buni amürü nuni extends beyond life and death, encompassing the relationship with ancestors and future generations. The Garinagu view their existence as constantly preparing for future generations, ensuring that they have the resources necessary to thrive on Earth. At the same time, the ancestors (áhari) continue to guide and protect the living, contributing to the well-being of future generations.

The land and the sea are fundamental components of Garifuna spirituality, considered sacred and respected as sources of nourishment and protection. However, when this balance is not respected, an imbalance occurs that can affect the physical, emotional and mental well-being of the Garinagu. In these cases, rituals are performed to restore balance and promote the overall well-being of the community.

Garifuna spirituality is a journey of connection and harmony with the natural world and ancestral spirits, a path that guides the Garinagu in mutual respect, balance and responsibility towards past, present and future generations.